Monday, April 02, 2007

Perfect day for a car accident

I just have to report on the car crash demonstration we just had. I fully expect to field questions this afternoon, as to what was going on at the high school this morning.

We all go out to the football field, and sit on the bleachers. In front of us are two cars, supposedly just involved in an accident. Students, in various states of distress (fake blood, etc) are strewn about - both in the cars and on the pavement. In the distance, sirens can be heard. In a few moments, 3 state troopers, 2 unmarked cars, a local sheriff's cruiser, 2 firetrucks, 2 ambulances (ambulanci?), and numerous first responders are on the 'scene.' Next, we hear "thwocka-thwocka-thwocka", and here comes Pegasus, the life-flight helicopter.

For the next 45 minutes, we watch as the various people act out the rescue of those involved in the accident, and the roadside sobriety test of the 'drunk driver' who caused the accident. Jaws of life are employed, and a white Volvo station wagon is soon a convertible. Glass is smashed, doors are ripped off, and the injured are extricated and strapped to body boards. Three are taken to the waiting ambulanci, and one is put in Pegasus and airlifted. The last person taken out of the Volvo is placed in a black body bag. (query: do they reuse body bags? I don't think it matters to most, but this young lady was still breathing.) The point of this? Our principal gets on the public address system and says, "As we get ready for Spring Break, I want to remind all students that this could happen to you or your friends if you drink and drive." Happy *&^!ing Easter!

Several students asked the question "What would happen if a real accident happened right now somewhere out in the county?"

I told my homeroom students to hold on to their raffle tickets, for the "Ride on Pegasus" drawing to take place at the end of the day.

1 comment:

Good2BDave said...

Was that the principal or a southern baptist preacher... both?

PS - it's "ambuli", by the way