Needless to say, we didn't go to church. Before it got too late, I ventured out to buy the Sunday paper and a few snow day necessities. One thing I bought while out was a cheap snow shovel. Good choice! I got stuck turning in to the driveway. Couldn't go forward, couldn't go back. And no, I wasn't in my one-of-a-kind rear-wheel drive Jeep. I was in Mom's car, with front-wheel drive. Anywho, I got out my shiny, new shovel, and managed to clear the snow from around the front tires, and for a few feet beyond. That was enough to get the car in the driveway, and stowed safely in the garage. Whew!
As the day wore on, it became clear that the storm was not as bad one county over. The county where I teach. The county where I would probably have to drive to the next day. School was already cancelled in Madison, but was still on for Greene. OK, I have a shovel, and I'm not afraid to use it!
So I did. For almost 2 hours, I shoveled the driveway. I am woman, hear me groan...

Sure enough, school was on for today. And I was able to get out of the driveway. Life is good.
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