Those who know me best can remember the embarrassment of being slimed by a Lawrence Welk has-been in W-burg one summer. I should learn never to sit in an aisle seat.
Last night, we went to the UVA women's basketball game in the new arena. Very nice place - not so handicapped accessible. Parking was fine, but you have to wait in line for a teensy elevator, and then walk around the arena to your section. Then, there are steep steps down to the seats. After the game was worse, due to the crowd of people wanting to take the elevator. I ended up using the stairs (much needed exercise), and meeting mom at the exit. We made it, but it was not easy, nor accessible.

Anyway, our seats are on the aisle, and I took seat 1. Good seats, too - right at mid court. During half-time, a young man came walking up the aisle, looking for a victim. There I was! Would I be interested in playing a game on 'Hoo-Vision'? I could win a free pizza and a gift certificate! My only question - 'Will I look stupid?' Answer ' "no, not at all." Ok - all set - he'll be back at the 16 minute time-out.
For those who don't know - in the new arena, there's a huge, four-sided screen mounted over center court. Throughout the game, you can watch play-by-play, and during time-outs you can watch as the camera pans over the fans. Very entertaining. It's Hoo-vision.
Here comes the second half, and sure enough, about 3 minutes later the guy is back - with a microphone. Time out is called, and there I am -- on Hoo-vision. The game I have to play is the old 'which cup has the ball' thing. Only this time, the game is animated, with three basketballs, one of which has the Virginia logo hidden 'in' it. Now, for some reason, I've always been good at this game. Visual learner, I guess. When the balls stop bouncing around, I say the logo is under #1. I win! What did I win?



Aren't I a lucky sun-of-uh-gun? Who wouldn't want to be me right about now?
After the game (VA won, by the way) a guy comes up to me and asks "What size TV did you win?" I laugh, then he says "No, really. Last week the prize for that game was a flat-screen TV." "$#@$#$@$##@!!!" I say.
I look at the back of my ticket,

Life is good.
Who says the aisle seat ain't lucky?
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