Heading south today, to spend Christmas Day with inlaws. This will be the first Christmas since my children were born (except for one memorable family Christmas at the Outer Banks) that we've been away from 'home' on Christmas morning. Never mind that we have no common home this year! Ken didn't even bother with decorating in NC - how can you decorate boxes, an apartment fridge, and a futon? Mom and I decorated in anticipation of family gathering on the 28th, but she will be in Wburg with my sister tomorrow.
TC came to spend a few days with me last week. He came by school on the last day before the break, and gave all my freshman girls the flutters. I was the most popular teacher in school that day - it really is true that you are known by the company you keep. He is riding to Winston with me today, and back on Tuesday. Dave may come with us, but Ken won't be able to come up until Wednesday evening.
I've bought and wrapped all the presents for the boys and Ken, and am taking them with us today. Ken's family does this 'Dirty Santa' thing, where you pick and steal presents. The limit this year is $25, so the choice of gifts should be interesting. For my part, I seriously couldn't think of something that everyone would be crazy about (range from my 70ish mother-in-law, through my faintly creepy 35 year-old brother-in-law and my 6-figure income 40 something sister-in-law, down to my 18 year-old son - yeah, we all want the same thing!) So, I picked out something that I would want, figuring I could always steal it if no one else seemed to like it. It's a little mean. My in-laws are born and bred ACC fans, but only if the teams are from NC. My mother-in-law LOVES anything UNC, as does my brother-in-law. My husband likes Wake Forest and Duke. So, one night at a basketball game, I purchased a UVA hoody. I wrapped it up, and included the free foam finger received at the last game. The only people who might get excited about it (simply because it is, after all, a hoody) are my sons, and maybe my sister-in-law. In any case, I figure I'll get the foam finger back. Merry Christmas to me.
We do plan to go ahead and have our little family (Me, Ken, and the boys) Christmas tomorrow morning. Ken's family never does the Christmas morning thing, which makes me twitch. Since we'll be at my sister-in-law's house, I felt a little wierd about the whole idea, but Ken says it will be fine. Anyway, the boys expect to have something to open on Christmas morning and even though they are 'big boys' now, I hate to disappoint. So, I guess everyone else will sit around and ooh and aah over our presents. Fa la la
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Tis the season....
I thought I was finished with my shopping. I braved the C'ville malls yesterday while the Skins were playing, figuring most people would stay home to watch the game. (Good plan, BTW) I stayed out and about for 3 hours, and managed to part ways with $400. But, I'm done!
So far today, I've received 2 gifts from people at work - no gift bought for them. I am informing people (as I see them) that I don't expect gifts. Replies of "Too late!" make me think I may need to go shopping again. AARRGGHH!!!
I'm not so jolly.....
I thought I was finished with my shopping. I braved the C'ville malls yesterday while the Skins were playing, figuring most people would stay home to watch the game. (Good plan, BTW) I stayed out and about for 3 hours, and managed to part ways with $400. But, I'm done!
So far today, I've received 2 gifts from people at work - no gift bought for them. I am informing people (as I see them) that I don't expect gifts. Replies of "Too late!" make me think I may need to go shopping again. AARRGGHH!!!
I'm not so jolly.....
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Started decorating for Christmas today. First, I had to get the tree out of the garage attic. I gave Mom something to do to keep her busy, so she wouldn't worry about me on that ladder. I reminded her of the times she 'helped' Karen get boxes out of that attic by holding on to her pants leg. I managed to drag the tree parts out of the attic, and in to the house. Spent the greater part of the afternoon putting the tree together, and draping 700 lights on the branches. Mom supervised, and told me where to put the ornaments. She lamented the fact she had no light-up star or angel to put on top.
After dinner, we realized we had not yet purchased a poinsettia for church. I lit out for Food Lion to buy one. Next door to the grocery store is a Family Dollar. I ducked in there, just to see what I could see, and EUREKA! a fiber-optic angel - for $8!!! Came home, put it up, and think I've never spent a more satisfying eight.
What do you think?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Field Trip!
Went on a field trip today - 'over the mountain' as they say 'round these parts. Three adults took a group of 5 kids to a vocational rehab facility in the Shenandoah Valley. Pretty drive, pretty day. Big bus, 8 people. What a riot.
We had a good time away from school, and best of all got to take our time eating lunch. Normal people don't realize that school kids and teachers have about 20 minutes to scarf down lunch every day. Not good for the digestion. Most teachers I know look forward to professional days because it means we can eat out for lunch, and take an hour to do so.
Did I dress in holiday style for the trip? You betcha! Today was a fleecy top with angels and snowflakes. Snowflake earrings and (of course) festive socks.
We had a good time away from school, and best of all got to take our time eating lunch. Normal people don't realize that school kids and teachers have about 20 minutes to scarf down lunch every day. Not good for the digestion. Most teachers I know look forward to professional days because it means we can eat out for lunch, and take an hour to do so.
Did I dress in holiday style for the trip? You betcha! Today was a fleecy top with angels and snowflakes. Snowflake earrings and (of course) festive socks.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Festivus for the Rest of Us
I have a very bad feeling that I will be an embarrassment to my grandchildren, one day.

I have waayy too many Christmas sweaters, jackets, vests, and socks. I happen to like them, but I admit to looking over my shoulder occasionally for the "What Not To Wear" camera crew.
For the past several years, I've worn festive attire during the month of December. I wasn't sure how my holiday collection would be received in a new school, but I broke out the glitter, anyway. Turns out there's another teacher on my hall with the same tradition of tacky dress - - we are the tacky twins! Today, I wore my bright green turtleneck (WITH the ornament applique on the collar), and my reindeer vest. The coordinating reindeer earrings were an excellent choice. Over the top? Never! Add the sparkle-y socks? Maybe a bit much...
Not sure how administration feels about my sartorial splendor. My principal walks by, pats me on the shoulder, says, "Nice sweater." I choose to hear sincerity in his voice.
Sing along with me - "Do you hear what I hear?"

I have waayy too many Christmas sweaters, jackets, vests, and socks. I happen to like them, but I admit to looking over my shoulder occasionally for the "What Not To Wear" camera crew.
For the past several years, I've worn festive attire during the month of December. I wasn't sure how my holiday collection would be received in a new school, but I broke out the glitter, anyway. Turns out there's another teacher on my hall with the same tradition of tacky dress - - we are the tacky twins! Today, I wore my bright green turtleneck (WITH the ornament applique on the collar), and my reindeer vest. The coordinating reindeer earrings were an excellent choice. Over the top? Never! Add the sparkle-y socks? Maybe a bit much...
Not sure how administration feels about my sartorial splendor. My principal walks by, pats me on the shoulder, says, "Nice sweater." I choose to hear sincerity in his voice.
Sing along with me - "Do you hear what I hear?"

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