Thursday, February 19, 2009

Overheard in the hall

"Dude, seriously! The Catholics HATE the Amish. They, like, feud and shoot each other."
What? Really? I didn't even know the Catholics knew the Amish. It creates such wonderful scenes in my mind -- men in white collars and big hats chasing around after men in white shirts and big hats ...
wait.... wait....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Channel One moment

Today, in Channel One, one of the guys got hit in the face by a girl's shoe. They were sitting in the back of the room, just talking, when she decided to cross her legs. She was wearing mules, and her shoe went flying off, and hit her friend in the side of the head. He yelled, "I got hit by a moccasin!"

For the next few minutes, between uncontrollable laughter, the students debated why Harry - at age 17 - was not as quick to duck as Dubya. We decided that Harry did not have distance on his side, so had less time to prepare for the hit.

And no - I never turn on Channel One in this class.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Grandma, why do you have that tattoo?

Had a conversation today at work about tattoos. I have a tattoo ----->

Pretty dull. But - I like it, and I'm seriously considering getting another one sometime.

One of the first year teachers on my hall (she's 23, newly married, and very funny) stopped by my room today to chat. Somehow, the subject of tattoos came up, and she showed me hers.

Here's the back story: She grew up in Richmond, went to school a VCU, is a Richmond girl through and through ( I feel a country song coming on...).

So, when she graduated high school, she got a tattoo on her back. A big one. On her lower back. VERY low. It says, with lots of scrolling and flourish:

"Good times remembered here"


After she showed it to her friends, and they all died laughed at what she tattooed over her butt, she went back and had the word "Richmond" added above the words.

But still....